Cherokee Middle School
Cherokee Middle School is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Teachers follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and the school uses the NC Testing program for 6th – 8th grade students. All students are issued a computer and all classrooms incorporate high speed internet, wireless Internet, and interactive SMART boards to enhance the 21st Century skills being taught and modeled in all areas.
Cherokee Middle School understands the importance of preserving the culture of the EBCI students and requires each student to take Cherokee Language each year of middle school. We also provide a variety of Cherokee cultural activities throughout the school year. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to use Cherokee language as much as possible.
Faculty and staff at CMS want to provide a safe place for our students to learn. We have a full time SRO officer on campus and have monthly Safety Team Meetings to explore what we could do better for our students.
CMS also understands that some of our students needs support more than ever and we have a guidance counselor, social worker and a therapist from Cherokee Indian Hospital to help meet the needs of our students.
Cherokee Middle School understands the importance of preserving the culture of the EBCI students and requires each student to take Cherokee Language each year of middle school. We also provide a variety of Cherokee cultural activities throughout the school year. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to use Cherokee language as much as possible.
Faculty and staff at CMS want to provide a safe place for our students to learn. We have a full time SRO officer on campus and have monthly Safety Team Meetings to explore what we could do better for our students.
CMS also understands that some of our students needs support more than ever and we have a guidance counselor, social worker and a therapist from Cherokee Indian Hospital to help meet the needs of our students.
Principal: Keith Pinnix
Assistant Principal: Erica Driggers
Assistant Principal: Erica Driggers
Assistant Principal: Cody Williams
Assistant Principal: Cody Williams